6 Most Controversial Audiophile YouTubers, According to Reddit

Some audiophiles on Reddit think these YouTubers are not worth subscribing to.
Some audiophiles on Reddit think these YouTubers are not worth subscribing to.

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YouTube reviews can be a handy resource when scouting for new gear. But not all reviewers are equally trustworthy.

Over on the Reddit audiophile community, many have named various YouTube reviewers who they feel should be approached with skepticism – or simply avoided.

Here are the top six:

Disclaimer: The views and opinions shared here reflect those of some Reddit users and not of the Headphonesty team.

1. Joshua Valour

Despite the visually striking videos, a lot of users see his reviews as promotional. (From: YouTube/Joshua Valour)
Despite the visually striking videos, a lot of users see his reviews as promotional. (From: YouTube/Joshua Valour)

Joshua Valour‘s channel often gets criticized for allegedly biased reviews.

Sure, his videos boast great production quality. But many Redditors argue that this polished presentation merely hides a lack of real, critical analysis. They claim he seems to invest more effort into camerawork than actually researching and using the gear properly.

What’s more, as his channel gained traction and started accepting sponsorships, he appears to have grown less willing to criticize products.

“I liked Josh because he was critical with some reviews, but I have noticed how many of his reviews contain no negative aspects of the headphone.” says AntOk463.

“A simple example is he was critical about the Susvara, considered the most resolving headphone. But, in his new Elex video he didn’t say a single negative quality.”

Others have pointed to similar instances too, like his reviews of the Fostex TR-X00 headphones. In this case, earlier criticisms mysteriously went missing in later reviews featuring affiliate links.

Reddit user, BigLorry, sharing his opinion on Joshua Valour. (From: Reddit)
Reddit user, BigLorry, sharing his opinion on Joshua Valour. (From: Reddit)

The consensus seems to be that Valour’s reviews are driven more by commercial interests than a genuine passion for audio gear. This has led many Redditors to doubt his reviews, seeing him more as an influencer than a true reviewer.

2. Z Reviews

People say Zeos' videos are entertaining, but that's just about it. (From: YouTube/Z Reviews)
People say Zeos’ videos are entertaining, but that’s just about it. (From: YouTube/Z Reviews)

Zeos Pantera, known for his channel Z Reviews, gets some flak for seemingly always dishing out positive reviews, which some believe makes him less credible.

For example, in his review of the Blon B50 headphones, the “best closed-back,” even though most people think they are not good.

To many Reddit users, his content comes across as more about entertainment than objective evaluations.

“The guy likes EVERYTHING because he makes his living off YouTube videos. So, he won’t criticize anything. Everything is just a shade of great or good.” says Pkelly500.

“And how many times do you hear Z say, “Just f*cking buy this.” All. The. Time. I’m not sure, but he may have affiliate links for sales from which he gets a cut. Another red flag. Z is entertaining, but that’s it.”

Then there’s his practice of reselling reviewed units at “yard sales” via blind auctions to create urgency among followers. This tactic has drawn criticism for fostering fear of missing out (FOMO) and questioning the integrity of his reviews.Overall, while Z Reviews can be fun to watch, Reddit users say to be careful and not rely only on his reviews for buying decisions.

People talking about why Z Reviews' yard sale has given them a negative perspective on the reviewer. (From: Reddit)
People talking about why Z Reviews’ yard sale has given them a negative perspective on the reviewer. (From: Reddit)
“He’s the ultimate channel to cure buying’s remorse though, if you bought something and you’re not quite sure about it and feel insecure, just watch his “review” on it and you can placebo feel good again.” says one user.

3. Sharur

Some Reddit users see Sharur, not as a reviewer, but as a troll. (From: YouTube/Sharur)
Some Reddit users see Sharur, not as a reviewer, but as a troll. (From: YouTube/Sharur)

Sharur has earned a reputation as a troll whose takes are as inconsistent as they are inflammatory.

A key gripe users have is his heavy reliance on virtual EQ tests instead of actual listening tests, which can render his reviews inaccurate and misleading. To make matters worse, he also frequently cites third-party measurements of questionable reliability, which needlessly complicates his reviews.

People talking about why Sharur's review shouldn't be trusted. (From: Reddit)
People talking about why Sharur’s review shouldn’t be trusted. (From: Reddit)

Sharur is also known for his contrarian nature. Redditors have recalled him criticizing products for small deviations from the Harman target.

In fact, some Redditors find Sharur’s content funny because of how over-the-top and egregious his opinions tend to get.

Reddit users question whether his channel is a legitimate review channel or a parody account. (From: Reddit)
Reddit users question whether his channel is a legitimate review channel or a parody account. (From: Reddit)

4. Passion for Sound

Passion for Sound has talked about how the sound quality got better with certain cables. (From: YouTube/Passion for Sound)
Passion for Sound has talked about how the sound quality got better with certain cables. (From: YouTube/Passion for Sound)

When it comes to Passion for Sound, Reddit users advise caution due to the reviewer’s deemed bias on expensive audiophile gear.

Many accuse Passion for Sound’s Lachlan of actively promoting audiophile snake oil and spreading misinformation.

Some Redditors believe some of Lachlan's claims do not have enough basis. (From: Reddit)
Some Redditors believe some of Lachlan’s claims do not have enough basis. (From: Reddit)

Users have also noticed that he talks about personal experiences instead of using objective measurements. This makes it hard to judge the real value of the products he reviews.

He also has a few controversies under his belt. This includes a rumor of him buying fake likes to please sponsors. And, his positive review of the controversial brand Verum, mere days after its owner infamously joked about sending anthrax to a critic while also being outed for a history of racist remarks.

All these combined made some Redditors completely turn their backs on his channel.

5. Jays Audio

Jay’s Audio has been told to be in it for the drama. (From: YouTube/Jays Audio)
Jay’s Audio has been told to be in it for the drama. (From: YouTube/Jays Audio)

Once respected for his well-articulated written reviews, Jays Audio has lost credibility in the eyes of many Redditors. This is due to his alleged exaggerated claims, adversarial attitude, and “blatant fanboyism” for brands like Simgot.

His feud with popular reviewer Crinacle is a prime example.

According to one user, Jay’s video response to Crin’s lukewarm take on Simgot “is nothing more than a childish rant.”

“Remember, this is the guy that convinced himself that his IEM cable made his music sound wider. Do not trust this guy’s ears.” he says.
A Redditor criticizes Jay, calling him a clown for his biased rant against Crinacle's tweet. (From: Reddit)
A Redditor criticizes Jay, calling him a clown for his biased rant against Crinacle’s tweet. (From: Reddit)

Reddit users mention that his content often feels more like a platform for personal grievances rather than objective reviews. He is perceived as being biased towards certain brands and overly critical of brands he doesn’t favor.

This perceived bias has led many to question the impartiality of his reviews, advising viewers to approach his content with caution.

6. Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews

Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews' past issues have ruined his reputation, according to Reddit. (From: YouTube/Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews)
Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews’ past issues have ruined his reputation, according to Reddit. (From: YouTube/Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews)

Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews (also known as HawaiiBadboy) is being scrutinized due to what some Redditors have called ‘shady behavior’.

For one, he was accused of stealing a demo unit and not following through on giveaway promises, on top of other past issues.

People talking about what they think about Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews. (From: Reddit)
People talking about what they think about Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews. (From: Reddit)

These issues, along with his frequent promotion of his own products, make many people question his reviews and overall intent.

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